Saturday, July 21, 2007

I DID it!

I forgot to update that last blog friend Sarah pointed out to me a few days ago...but yes, I DID finish Shantaram in time! It was a very interesting book, particularly because of all the unknowns it leaves...
- Does he find the girl? Do they continue in their love and stay together?
- How did he write the book as a 'true' story and not get sent back to the maximum security prison he escaped from? Surely they must know it's him, even if he did write under an alias!!
- What does Shantaram/Lin look like? Rumor has it that Johnny Depp is going to be playing Shantaram in the movie version...but I see him as more of an Ethan Hawke..even Matthew McConaughey...I guess someone more blonde! Anyway, if you like long it! Even if you don't like long books and it is the longest book you've attempted (like me!) it. It's good. Yup.