Friday, September 15, 2006

Great Big Sea!

Oh My God,
Last night I went to the best concert I have ever been to in my life!! Great Big Sea played the Western Fair- and it was sooooooo good! They played all my fave songs: Lukey's Boat, General Taylor, Patty Murphy, Ordinary Day- and everyone else's fave songs too! They must have played 23 songs or so.....2 encores totalling 4 songs. Man it was good. They have such energy and they just get everyone clapping and waving their hands in the air. I wore my Roots Canada shirt to show National pride. It was so cute- at one point this little girl handed the lead singer a card she had made in crayon that said 'I Heart Great Big Sea' and they sang a song just for was so cute. Anyway, if you ever get a chance to see GBS live, SEE THEM- even if you don't know a lot of their songs, they put on a phenomenal sh0w. Peace out.

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